Chicks | Baby Chickens in Portland & Gresham, Oregon
Browse below to see our wide selection of breeds available from mid-February through August.
Please Call us at (503) 663-3246 to confirm availability!
Updates happening as of 12/15/2023
Including Bantams and Polish birds among others. Browse below to see our wide selection of breeds available from April through August.
Please Call us at (503) 663-3246 to confirm availability!
**Note that Bantams and Polish birds are ordered Straight Run ONLY**
Belgain Quail
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your chicks today!
Black Frizzle Cochin
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Black Silkie Feathered Leg
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Black Tail White Japanese
Wikipedia Page on this breed Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Blue Frizzle Cochin
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Blue Silkie Feathered Leg
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today.
Buff Silkies
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Golden Polish
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Golden Sebright
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Mille Fleur d’Uccle (Feather leg)
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Mottled Cochin Bantams
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Red Frizzle Cochin Feathered Leg
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Self Blue Old English
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Silver Polish
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Silver Sebright Smooth Leg
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
White Crested Black Polish
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
White Crested Blue Polish
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
White Frizzle Cochin
White Frizzle Cochin
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
White Silkie Feathered Leg
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability reserve your chicks today!
Meat Birds
Cornish Cross
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your chicks today!
Color Pack Layer
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your chicks today!
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your chicks today!
Bob White Quail
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your chicks today!
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your chicks today!
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your chicks today!
Browse below to see our wide selection of breeds available from mid-February through August.
Please Call us at (503) 663-3246 to confirm availability!
Black Slate
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your poults today!
Blue Slate
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your poults today!
Bourbon Red
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your poults today!
Bronze Broad Breasted
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your poults today!
Midget White
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your poults today!
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your poults today!
Royal Palm
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your poults today!
White Broad Breasted
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your poults today!
White Holland
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your poults today!
Pearl Guineas
Please call us at 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your guinea fowls today!
Browse below to see our wide selection of breeds available from mid-February through August.
**Note that Goslings are Special Order only for 2025**
Please Call us at (503) 663-3246 to confirm availability!
Black Cayuga
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Black Runner
Wikipedia on Indian Runner Ducks
Black Runner Ducks are tall, slender waterfowl with a vertical posture and run upright in groups.
Runner Ducks are excellent foragers and are good layers.
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Black Swedish
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Blue Indian Runner
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Blue Swedish
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Chocolate Indian Runner
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Fawn and White Indian Runner
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Golden 300 Hybrid
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Khaki Campbell
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Wikipedia page about this breed
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Silver Appleyard
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
White Crested
Updated 02/19/2024
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Welsh Harlequin
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
White Pekin
Please call 503-663-3246 to confirm availability and reserve your ducklings today!
Goslings are Special Order only for 2025
updated 1/5/2022
If you are interested in goslings this year, give us a call and we can special order them for you! Due to the low numbers in purchasing for geese, we do not carrying them in the store until we have special orders. Please call to reserve your goslings today!
Brown Chinese
Updated 1/5/2022
If you are interested in goslings this year, give us a call and we can special order them for you! Due to the low numbers in purchasing for ducks, we do not carrying them in the store until we have special orders. Please call to reserve your goslings today!
Updated 1/5/2022
If you are interested in goslings this year, give us a call and we can special order them for you! Due to the low numbers in purchasing for ducks, we do not carrying them in the store until we have special orders. Please call to reserve your goslings today!
Updated 1/5/2022
If you are interested in goslings this year, give us a call and we can special order them for you! Due to the low numbers in purchasing for ducks, we do not carrying them in the store until we have special orders. Please call to reserve your goslings today!
White Chinese
Updated 1/5/2022
If you are interested in goslings this year, give us a call and we can special order them for you! Due to the low numbers in purchasing for ducks, we do not carrying them in the store until we have special orders. Please call to reserve your goslings today!