One of the great joys of living in the country are the wild birds and wildlife that frequent your yard. Whether you’re someone who enjoys bird watching or loves to keep the local fauna happy and healthy, Burns Feed Store has you covered.
Wild Birds
There are few things on earth as beautiful as a hummingbird fluttering around and taking a sip of nectar. Burns Feed Store has all types of bird feeders, bird seed, birdhouses and bird baths. If wild birds are a passion for you, we have books to help you identify which birds are stopping by your house and what they like to eat. We also can help you take care of your friendly squirrel neighbors. Our selection for birds and squirrels includes:
- Peanuts
- Filberts
- Squirrel Feeders
- Squirrel Proof Feeders
- Sunflower Chips
- Black Oil Sunflower Seed
- Nyjer Seed
- Thistle Seed
- Millet
- Premium Blend
- Valley Blend
- Finch Mix
- Cracked Corn
- No Sprout Mix
- Mealworms
- Squirrel & Jay Mix
- Squirrel Mix
- Pumpkin Seed
- Snak Blocks
- Squirrel Logs
- Corn on the Cob
- Hummingbird Supplies
- Nectar
- Nectar Concentrates
- Ready to Use Nectar
- Hummingbird Feeders
- Feeder Cleaners
- Nesting Supplies
We also have wildlife block, wild bird blocks, and deer blocks. We try to have most of our selection listed, but if there are any wild bird or wildlife supplies that you need that you don’t see here, call the store and we’ll do our best to help you find what you are looking for.
Mason Bee Supplies
Not only do bees provide us with delicious honey, but there are also Mason Bees who are hard workers at keeping our fruits and flowers pollinated. Burns Feed Store has all the supplies you need for keeping your mason bees happy and productive. Our list of supplies includes:
- Mason Bees
- Mating Boxes
- Liners and Pushers
Burns Feed Store strives to have everything you need to keep your backyard healthy and beautiful. Whether that is your Lawn and Garden, your Livestock, or any of your neighborhood animals or birds, we try to have all the food and supplies for all of nature. If there’s anything that you need for your backyard, give us a call and we’ll let you know if we have it or where the nearest store is that can help you out!