Garlic Has Arrived At Burns Feed Store

Clove is in the air at BFS! Who doesn’t adore garlic, am I right? It’s not just a superstar in the kitchen; garlic has been the go-to buddy for health perks too! From kicking colds to giving blood pressure and cholesterol a run for their money, this little bulb is on a mission. Packed with vitamins C and B6, manganese, and selenium, garlic’s secret weapon is allicin, the antioxidant that brings the magic!

Spanish Roja garlic is a certified early-season variety renowned for its exceptional flavor, making it a gourmet favorite among home gardeners. Each bulb typically contains 8 to 12 cloves. The outer wrapper of Spanish Roja garlic exhibits a beautiful range of colors, from a rich cream to deep purple stripes, enhancing its visual appeal.

Silver Rose Garlic is distinguished by its milder flavor and enhanced taste profile compared to other varieties, allowing it to enrich dishes without overwhelming them. The cloves can be consumed raw, offering a gentler alternative to the typical sharpness associated with garlic. This variety is also straightforward to cultivate in sunny gardens or containers, with a harvest period extending from late spring to early summer.

Elephant garlic possesses a flavor profile that lies between leeks and mild garlic, with a hint of onion when cooked. It complements white fish and poultry exceptionally well, and its flavor is more pronounced when consumed raw. For optimal growth, elephant garlic thrives in cold weather; spring planting often yields cloveless “rounds,” whereas planting in the fall or allowing the bulbs to remain in the ground will result in standard bulbs by spring.


It’s Fall Cover Crop Season


As the summer is ending, for us individuals with crops coming out of season, we decide on whether or not to continue a crop between the dormant winter months. These crops during the dormant season aren’t used for cash or production but for the soil. Cover crops are any crop that is to cover an existing farm plot or later enrich the soil by incorporating the cover crop into the soil. Nitrogen is found within the plant’s roots which after the ground has thawed from the winter months, will release into the soil and create a great start for seed starts being planted in the spring.

There are many forms of cover cropping, but a few that are popular at Burns Feed Store:

  1. Winter Ryegrass or Cereal Ryegrass: a grain which can grow vigorously in even colder temperatures (as low as 33o F) and is hardy to most soil types and weather conditions. With its shallow fibrous roots, cereal rye grass provides a great fall planted cover crop.
  2. Annual Ryegrass: A cool season grass that similarly will grow like cereal ryegrass but are much smaller seeds and don’t grow as tall. A great cover crop for those that don’t have a tiller but still would like to provide natural nitrogen to the soil.
  3. Crimson Clover: a red topped clover that can keep showing signs of growth even in cold weather and is a great option for pollinators. Another great fall planted cover crop, great for pollinators and enrichment of natural nitrogen into the soil.
  4. Gardenway: A mixture of seeds which provide plant diversity and is a perfect annual cover crop for your garden or farm plot during the growing off season.


If you have any questions as to which cover crop might work best for your area, don’t hesitate to give us a call or stop on by to chat with our Garden Department Manager, Ryan!